Jakob de Lemos

Jakob de Lemos

Founder, CEO
Copenhagen (DK)

Jakob has worked with customer experience and UX-research for 25 years. He has a background in machine perception, human computer interaction and consumer insights.


Jakob de Lemos

Jakob has worked with customer experience and UX-research for 25 years. He has a background in machine perception, human computer interaction and consumer insights. Jakob has designed systems and methods for measuring and evaluating emotion, visual attention (eye tracking), behaviour and attitudes.

Jakob is a user experience specialist, devoted speaker and entrepreneur within the field of measuring human experiences. Jakob is driven by exploring improved ways of measuring the users’ communication and interaction with tangible and intangible experiences and holds patents within the art of measuring human emotions, visual attention, behaviour and comprehension. EyeReply enables clients to experience the world through the eyes of  their users, thereby allowing the clients to quality assure their communication and customer experiences.

Speaker Sessions

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This year part of the
Future Product Days 2025