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Frequently Asked Questions


Are the UX Nordic and the Future Product Days seperate events?

No. In 2025, we have merged the UX Nordic format with some of our other UX and Design events and called the entire event "Future Product Days.
There will only be one ticket type (available through the Future Product Days website) and it will give access to all stages.

So in short: All the good stuff from the UX Nordic remains, while you get access to even more topics, stages and activities. On top of that, the tickets are cheaper than last year. What's not to like :)


Will the sessions be recorded?

In 2025, the sessions won't be recorded.


Can I participate online?

In 2025, there are no virtual tickets available.


Can I return tickets or transfer them to another person?

Conference tickets are not covered by the right of withdrawal in Denmark, and due to budget planning we are not able to offer you the option to return purchased tickets.

However it is possible to transfer your ticket(s) to another person until the day before the conference. Simply inform us about about who you would like to transfer ticket to, and we are happy to change the name on the ticket.

This year part of the
Future Product Days 2025