Stage 2
Aug 29, 2024

Authenticity: A missing layer from UX Research

A practical session tackling the rarely discussed common issues of research trust, ensuring you can confidently make business decisions. (sponsored by ImpactSense)

About this session

About this webinar

We all talk about the importance of having insights to inform UX and Product, but as I’m sure we can agree, misleading insights can be more dangerous than none. Many of us recognise the industry has a problem with trusted research, but don’t know how to overcome it.

So how do you get robustness and authentic insights that you can trust? And no, the answer is not to ask for more budget.

We break it down into three practical stages:

  • Authentic Participants - to get trusted insights you need trusted  participants. It’s easier said that done. We’ll discuss ways to recruit more reliably
  • Extensive research methods - Many researchers have been following the same approaches for years, but part of the problem is, participants have wised up and understand usability and how sessions are run - it’s become harder to get genuine insights. We’ll discuss ways to improve approaches
  • Unbiased analysis - Seems obvious, but we often tell the stories we want to from research. We’ll share how you can extract the truth from your research and equally ensure it’s actionable
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